As such, there aren’t many officially licensed replicas of Lightsabers around these days, so when items like the Black Series Force FX sabers are released, they sell out fast and quickly become difficult to find at a reasonable price. Many small builders have to navigate around copyright if they want to create a Star Wars character's blade by including some slight design adjustments and a different name. Pair one of these epic lightsabers up with one of the best Star Wars costumes and you’ll be ready for your own galactic adventure, such as watching all the Star Wars movies in chronological order. Still, there are options available across every budget so we’re sure you’ll find something that suits both your needs and wallet. Officially licensed Children's toys aren’t exactly budget-friendly, but they’re leagues more affordable than some of the fancy collector's items or custom-built sabers. Speaking of cash, the price of lightsabers can vary by a significant margin depending on what you’re looking for. It’s on the expensive side at $219 (plus tax), but not only do you get to keep your creation, this is also an interactive experience where you’ll learn some cool Jedi lore and take part in a group activity, so the cost isn’t too far fetched. This is also the case with the official offerings you can find in Disney’s theme park shops, including within the Galaxy’s Edge area of Disney World Orlando, in which you visit Savi's Workshop and build a plasma blade of your very own from scratch. Many replicas are designed to be admired rather than used practically, with some even only available as a hilt without that then requires you to purchase the light-up blade separately. The real-world versions are thankfully far safer to wield, though not all of them are suitable for dueling. Not real combat though of course, as Lightsabers in the Star Wars franchise are swords of pure, plasma energy that can cut through just about anything. There are even companies dedicated to creating specialist lightsabers that offer greater light and sound effects than anything mass-produced, some of which can take a beating, which makes them ideal for roleplay combat.

We all remember the plastic ‘pop-up’ varieties from our childhood, but as Star Wars has grown, so has its fanbase - which now means that you can buy highly detailed replica sabers of the plasma swords used by your favorite characters.

The best lightsabers are likely going to look very different depending on not just your age, but also your budget and utility, which can make sourcing them a little complex for those without prior experience.